Capital: Bamako.
Seasons: our seasonal programs start at October and end in February. from march to June is very hot in which the temperature can be included between 35° and 45° in shade at some of the zone. The raining season extend from July to September.
Passport and visa: it is necessary to get a passport valid (at least 6 months after the visa requested validity) the visa must be requested in the country of origin before departure.
Currency: the currency is Franc CFA (1€ =655 CFA francs).
the official language is French; there are about ten local languages
Time zoning:
is GMT (Universal Time).
Electricity: in the capital and major cities is 220 volts, but submit to the frequent change, it would be better to take a torch during the trip especially in the villages.
Health Rules: Vaccination against the yellow fever is obliged. A preventive treatment against malaria is desired.
the international dialing code of